quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2004

THE SAGA BEGINS, de Weird Al Yankovic e Don McLean

Lembram de "American Pie", de Don McLean? Linda canção! Marcou época, virou hino de algumas gerações. Eu particularmente gosto muito.

Mas esqueçam a canção original, e deixem pra lá a versão da Madonna. A melhor mesmo é a mixórdia que Weird Al Yankovic fez usando a melodia da canção de McLean como pano de fundo, com uma letra pra lá de criativa resumindo toda a história do pífio "Episódio 1: A Ameaça Fantasma" da saga "Guerra nas Estrelas" de George Lucas.

A extraordinária trilogia clássica - "Guerra nas Estrelas", "O Império Contra-Ataca" e "O Retorno de Jedi" - não merecia ter uma introdução tão medíocre como essa. Porém graças ao engodo pirotécnico de Lucas para vender videogames e bonequinhos - com direito a um Darth Vader mirim que grita "Yupiii!" e a trapalhada digital de Jar-Jar Binks - a mente ferina de Al Yankovic nos presenteou com essa magnífica sátira musical. Diga-se de passagem, bem melhor que o filme que a inspirou! ;-)

P.S.: Especialmente dedicada aos meus amigos do Conselho Jedi Rio de Janeiro que sabem que o filme é um lixo, e à Bia (http://dynbia.multiply.com), que com sua lembrança de "American Pie" me fez chafurdar no meu baú de fitas cassete para ouvir de novo esta música que marcou o ano de 1999. :-)

Para ver o clipe, clique aqui: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ttidEl0gXU

(letra de Weird Al Yankovic sobre a melodia de "American Pie", de Don McLean)

A long, long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn
Could talk the Federation in-
To maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to Theed to see the queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy...

Oh my my, this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'
'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
But he can use the Force, they say
Ahh, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I know he built C-3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I knew who'd win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy

We started singin'...
My my, this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'
'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'

Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi Council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the Council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the Force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Qui-Gon said, 'Now listen here
Just stick it in your pointy ear
I still will teach this boy'

He was singin'...
My my, this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'
'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'

We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some Gungans died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
While I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin'...
My my, this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader some day later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'
'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'

We were singin'...
My my, this here Anakin guy
Maybe Vader some day later, now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' 'Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi'

Para ver o clipe clique aqui!

E veja também a versão de Lego!

"The Saga Begins", do álbum "Running With Scissors", de Weird Al Yankovic, 1999.

4 comentários:

  1. Weird Al é incrível, mas as 2 melhores dele foram: Another One Rides The Bus (sátira misturando Another One Bites The Dust, do Queen, e o problma mundial de ônibus lotados), e Eat It (Zoada de Beat It, do Michael Jackson), ambas pérolas da música humorística.

    Zappa teria sua clássica pergunta respondida. "Does humor belong in music?"

  2. (só prá vc não reclamar que não dou retorno...)

    american pie - a original - é uma 'edição especial' de música-chiclete: por ser looonga, nunca fica inteira na memória; em compensação - ou contrapartida, prá estar sintonizada com a linguagem cultural do governo -, aquele so bye, bye, mr.american pie fica ecoando de forma interminável na mente...
    oz, meu querido, vou fazer uma declaração aqui que vai te decepcionar profundamente: não tenho a menor ligação afetiva com guerra nas estrelas...

  3. Que puxa!... :-((
    Lamento muito. :-((
    Além disso você fuma, né? E ainda gosta. :-P
    Mas como diria Joe E. Brown no final de "Quanto Mais Quente Melhor", "ninguém é perfeito"... hehehe! ;-)P

    Eu gosto de você assim mesmo, Carmencita. :-)))


  4. Cara, eu ADORO o trabalho do Yankovic! Tenho uma fita VHS (perdida em algum lugar aqui) cheia de clipes dele, que passaram num especial da MTV, há anos atrás. Conheço as duas que você citou, mas gosto especialmente das versões que satirizam "Star Wars", essa "The Saga Begins", "Yoda" e "Mos Eisley Cantina". Além de "Fat", avacalhando "Bad" de Michael Jackson. :-))
